Bryn Krick

I was privileged to grow up in the southern tier of NY, in a home where both my parents were Christians and actively involved in our local church.  I accepted Christ as my savior during family devotions when I was five.  Several years later I was baptized.   At the age of twelve while at summer camp I felt that God was asking me to become a pastor or missionary.

After high school I attended Cornell University in Ithaca, NY and received both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Animal Science.

I spent much of my teenage and college years doing what I wanted, not really caring about what God wanted, while still trying to make people think that I was as good on the inside as I looked on the outside.  In 1997 God’s patience with me ran out.  He took me through some difficult circumstances and events to get my attention and confront me about my hypocrisy, self-centeredness and sin.  I finally repented and began attempting to live for Him.

Over the next several years God continued to address areas in my life that were not honoring to him (priorities, anger, lust/thought life, and finances).  While God was addressing those areas in my life, I was discovering my spiritual gifts and had the opportunity to serve in my local church in a number of capacities (trustee, treasurer, deacon, youth leader, Sunday school teacher, small group leader).

As I began to use my spiritual gifts with in the church, God began to give me a desire to be in full time ministry.  He continued to develop this desire through a number of different ways and individuals.  In 2012 I began the process of applying to Faith Bible Seminary with the goal of pursuing a Master of Divinity degree while serving as a pastoral intern at Faith Church in Lafayette, Indiana.  God opened the door to attend seminary but be an intern at First Baptist in Waldoboro rather than in Indiana.  By God’s grace I completed seminary in June 2016 and I am now serving as an Assistant Pastor at People’s Baptist in Newfield, NY.

God blessed my wife Andria and I two children, Joel (13) and Joy (10).  We are blessed to be serving at First Baptist for the next three years and excited to see where God leads us after the completion of seminary and our internship.

I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping, photography and sports.